Major Heatwave To Impact Southern California Within A Week


061316aWe may see 120 degree temperatures in our low deserts and 110F in the Valley areas next week in what will be yet another powerful heatwave …Read on for more details.

A ridge of high pressure will burst into action this weekend into this next week.  The following selected cities is the official Southern California Weather Force temperature forecast trend as of now.  The June 2016 forecast for well above average temperatures with a cool-down the second week of the month and a major heatwave after that is coming true so we remain on track .. and we will have this heatwave and likely another strong one toward the end of the month. (See references below).

The trend temperatures are for selected cities in the forecast area for this FRI/SAT/SUN/MON/TUE/ and as you can see the only escape is the coast.

Riverside – 89 – 97 – 103 – 110 – 96
Downtown LA – 82 – 87 – 88 – 94 – 88
Fullerton – 84 – 92 – 97 – 102 – 86
Valencia – 84 – 92 – 101 – 106 – 90
Irvine – 79 – 85 – 88 – 92 – 83
Ramona – 83 – 91 – 95 – 103 – 88
Bakersfield – 88 – 92 – 96 – 103 – 108
Paso Robles – 84 – 87 – 93 – 101 – 99
Lancaster – 84 – 91 – 99 – 105 – 95
Apple Valley – 89 – 92 – 98 – 104 – 100
29 Palms – 93 – 96 – 104 – 109 – 106
Indio – 97 – 103 – 110 – 114 – 109
Brawley – 106 – 110 – 115 – 120 – 114
Blythe – 104 – 108 – 114 – 118 – 110
Las Vegas – 97 – 101 – 107 – 111 – 112

After Tuesday the heatwave will breakdown, but yet another one is likely to build the following week.  June 2016 will end with way above normal average temperatures once we tally all the days together

References In Article;
The June 2016 forecast for well above average temperatures with a cool-down the second week of the month and a major heatwave after that is coming true so we remain on track
Click to read

Heatwave values skyrocket .. Click Here To Read The Update

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