La Nina Has Officially Arrived; What Will It Mean For Southern California


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]070516a]La Nina has officially arrived as the waters in the Equatorial Pacific have cooled drastically so what will this mean for our Summer, Fall, and the next Winter season?  Is the July 2016 forecast on track?  Read on …

July 2016 is right on track with temperatures expected to be below normal for this time of year for the first half and above normal for the second half. .. ending July in just slightly above average in temperatures with the blend of cooler than average first half and warmer than average second half.  If you’re planning to want the heat this month … plan for the second half …

This ridge placement was seen in only one year in the last 50 years … Summer 2004.   Summer 2004 had a very similar ridge placement over the Southwestern United States.  This ridge placement ultimately shifted in the Fall to produce a lot of storms in October 2004.  2004-2005 storm season had the most rain on record and the reason for that was a neutral atmosphere during that time .. similar to a weak La Nina.

La Nina usually has blocking features and if the placement of these features is correct .. it can hold an upper level low in place west of the forecast area … and pump storms right into California, including Southern California …

In 2015’s Super El NIno the surface ridge or Martin El Nino Anomaly was due west of here … shoving storms into Northern California.  However, this year that ridge may very well be further south to just west of North-Central Baja Mexico.  If it is … the deflection process would be into ALL of California.

It is still too far out to tell … but I am using the same pattern technique as with the call for the El Nino pattern to hit mainly Northern California last year and early this year … it did … and I was right … So we will continue to monitor this pattern and update you on the latest…


July 2016 Official SCWF Forecast –


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