Monsoon Ridge Heat Blast Starts This Next Week With Oppressive Heat Inland



Oppressive inland heat is set to arrive this next week with increasing monsoonal moisture depth toward the end of the month … and the article contains the information you’ll need to plan for heatwave level temperatures.

When the monsoon first arrives in the Southwestern United States we get a heat-blast first.  This is one such heat-blast that will bring temperatures well over 105F for the inland valley areas as the ridge axis moves over the area … with heatwave level temperatures (100F)

The following temperatures in order will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of this next week, starting July 19th

Riverside – 100 – 104 – 105
Downtown LA – 90 – 92 – 95
Fullerton – 94 – 97 – 99
SFV/SCV – 97 – 100 – 101
Irvine – 85 – 87 – 89
Ramona – 90 – 95 – 99
Bakersfield – 100 – 101 – 101
Paso Robles – 92 – 94 – 95
Lancaster – 97 – 100 – 100
Apple Valley – 100 – 101 – 100
29 Palms – 103 – 103 – 105
Indio – 106 – 107 – 109
Brawley – 112 – 112 – 115
Blythe – 111 – 109 – 112
Las Vegas – 105 – 105 – 106

These temperatures are the start of the heatwave and it will be a prolonged heatwave, marking the start of the southeast flow and deepening of the monsoonal moisture pattern into the region as we move toward the end of the month.

Toward the end of the month, the southeast flow should be established enough to bring shower/thunderstorm activity even all the way to the coastal regions of the forecast area … along with continued hot and humid conditions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_facebook type=”button_count”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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