Lightning Strikes Light Up Desert As Storm Moves Out Overnight; Happy New Year

Storm Center looks to be coming in further north over Downtown Los Angeles, which is keeping most of the lift in our desert areas where lightning has been prevailing this evening … Low Desert in Imperial County to the Eastern Deserts next to get hit as lightning already is being reported there.
One thing to note is that in the member section there was some hint of this in Model 1E showing the higher rainfall amounts in the Northern High Deserts and Eastern Deserts … with less in the metro areas. The increased rainfall projection would be thunderstorm zones … and that is where lightning is now.
According to lightning strike density charts, isolated strikes were detected cloud to cloud in the Inland Empire areas, along with a strike or two in both the LA/SBD Mountain zones …
Gusty winds recorded here at the office … highest gust 37 mph this evening and around .37″ of rainfall so far today.
As the surface low moves south , tail-end activity could make it possible for the flakes to start falling in the High Desert zones overnight.
Overall the3 forecast for the Kern Mountains went very well … you are getting hit harder than Big Bear with this system and Gorman Pass was shutdown …
The system will exit overnight … Overall not too happy with it and C3 conditions were seen at the center. The upper level low was suppose to swing into San Diego … not Los Angeles … and this limited the lift and shear needed for what Barstow is having. If you’re in Barstow you weren’t left with disappointment …

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