First Storm System Hits Early Next Week; Next On NASCAR Weekend


The first system is due into Southern California sometime early this next week, surrounding the 20th-22nd time period.  The next one after that looks stronger as the trough places in position over NASCAR weekend.  Read on for details.

The first system looks to hit around the 20th or 21st.  Low level wind dynamics with it will be out of the southeast so more rain will fall in the LA/VT/SBA/SLO areas than areas across San Diego County.  It looks to also have a surface low well northwest of the area, which is the cause of the southeast low level wind.  This would promote gusty winds with the front, mainly for the coastal zones, the strongest being in the San Luis Obispo and Vandenberg forecast areas.

We take a bit of a break, but NASCAR weekend starts on Friday, March 24th.  This is when the trough aligns itself to bring a stronger storm system through the area.  Right now I’m going with a window from the 24th to the 26th … and this is the entire weekend on watch.  I’ll be attending AutoClub 400 for the Sunday race.  My numbers indicate more rainfall risks on Friday and around Saturday … with Sunday not showing up as that high of a risk.  So with that means is if the pattern remains that way … the Sunday race will not be rained out.  However do not quote me on it, I’ve got the 24th to the 26th on watch due to how far it is in weather term.

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NASCAR weekend does look like it will be much colder than average … so we aren’t looking at warm temperatures in the area.

Being the systems are slight tropical in nature … do believe that the snow level will be at resort level or a bit higher … during the main part of the front.

Below are the images from this office showing two possible scenarios for the two systems combined.  Blue/Light Blue is considered a flood risk.  These images are updated every 12-24 hours for premium members in the member section.

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