WARNING: Strong Santa Ana Winds Pose High Fire Weather Threat Through Saturday


With our Santa Ana Wind Warning in effect here at Southern California Weather Force, a trio weather combination of ingredients will bring a Santa Ana Wind Event to the prone areas of the forecast area through Saturday with Ontario International Airport at risk of damage on Friday night.  Read on to find out where.

The winds have been northwest to southeast for the most part, a reason the High Desert and SCV/SFV have been seeing them and Ontario has not.  This will set to change as they switch from northwest to southeast tonight to northeast to southwest … and stay that way through Saturday.  Wind gusts will be from 30-50 mph in the prone areas on Friday.

However on Friday night I am expecting the upper support to maximize with the surface pressure gradients to support even stronger gusts than on Friday morning for these prone zones.  Gusts could easy go over 70+ mph in some areas … and the Ontario International Airport travels may become delayed. .. so if you are flying out of Ontario, expect a chance of delays through the warning period.

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Calmer winds seen in the basin/coast of Los Angeles will not bring delays to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) … unless there is a delay in the city you are flying to.

Given the relative humidity will be in the single-digits for the Santa Ana Winds affected areas … along with warm temperatures … poses a high fire risk and all must be on the look-out for those bugs… even downed-power lines can start fires .. and often do.

My model below might be under-doing the wind speeds (meaning they’ll be stronger than what it shows) for Friday night for ONT Airport.

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