Thunder was detected and reported over the Santa Clarita Valley areas early this morning and the activity is heading west into Ventura and Santa Barbara County. Additional monsoonal activity is expected in the mountain and desert areas today. The heat remains in place inland. Find out all the details by reading on.
On Sunday evening I issued a mesoscale discussion for the regions that heard the thunder this morning. I closely monitored the mid and upper level dynamics and figured a small zone would be affected, with a risk of dry lightning added in. As the night moved along it seemed like maybe this wouldn’t be happening due to how clear the radar was. However, patience did pay off with fast developing mid-level clouds over the Santa Clarita Valley by sunrise and lightning was finally detected.
I did not make an article on the main Facebook Page, however you would have received the alert via the Facebook Groups I run for various areas, such as the LA Basin and Valleys, Ventura County, etc… Those can always be found in links in these articles. To view the mesoscale discussion, click here.
As the morning goes along the activity will move west and fade across Santa Barbara County. Dry lightning will continue to be possible in the SBA/VT areas through today.
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As for other areas in the forecast area … storm driven winds have shifted from east to west to south to north. This will make storms not hit the Inland Empire … but impact areas in the Coachella Valley this time. So storms are expected to form in the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego Mountains … and shove northward from there. Additional activity is likely for the 29 Palms areas along Highway 62. Thunderstorm Watches could be issued shortly. Given the track, storms forming from Big Bear would impact Lucerne and Apple Valley… probably leaving Hesperia and the top of the Cajon Pass untouched. Outflow will surge into the Barstow/Newberry Springs areas.
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A bonus if you live near Western Imperial County. The north-northeast flow will make it likely that storms will hit the Plaster City / Ocotillo zones as well … so you may be included in such a watch coming up.
As for the inland areas … Upper 90s and low 100s will prevail .. along with continued humidity.
Expecting a small break in the action … and then another easterly wave hits this weekend for an upward swing in monsoonal moisture, risks of shower and thunderstorm activity, and heat…