3.4 Magnitude Quake Likely Aftershock In Trabuco Canyon; Prediction Algorithm On Downward Trend


A 3.4 earthquake struck the Trabuco Canyon area of Southern California, felt across almost the same area as the 4.0 a couple days ago.  It was likely an aftershock.

Waveform charts indicate the quake was another reverse thrust on the same fault-zone that caused the 4.0 earthquake on January 25th.  This quake hit just after 4:45am this morning (Saturday).  Once again social media near the epicenter lit up and coffee machines were turned on in tandem.  So what does it mean?

Means nothing at the moment.  A 3.4 quake is very common for a 4.0 mainshock along that fault-zone.  Aftershocks near the magnitude of the mainshock are usually common for the next several days after.  We can still expect some more aftershocks until the mainshock zone settles down.

My Earthquake algorithm is showing we are returning to settled conditions whereas my official Earthquake Watch issued on Tuesday morning was in the caution areas, followed by the unstable zone being reached just prior to the Trabuco Canyon 4.0 and Northern California 5.8 magnitude quakes.

The prediction process algorithm I developed shows mainshocks only, not aftershocks.  We seem to be moving on a downward trend toward stable.

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