Major Pacific Storm Raylene; 10-15 Inches Of Rain For Burn Areas West Of Los Angeles in 100 Year Storm; Flood Watch Issued


First of all let us get one thing straight. I’m the Gordon Ramsay of weather forecasts. I’ll give it to you straight, best lead-time, accurate as all heck, and best of all I’ll take charge and defend myself when I have to as I am going to do with this event. I am officially taking charge of the next week and working with some officials personally on my models and forecast. This is a 100 year storm simply because of the type of pattern it is against a large burn area in the SBA/VT county zones. It is considered the ‘Perfect Storm’ on that side of Southern California. When I call events like this ahead of time like I did before this article I see nothing but ‘don’t listen to this guy’ as replies. If any of your friends on Facebook say this you ignore it or defend it because it only puts you in danger when I echo the danger in your area and you ignore my warning. Major Pacific Storm Raylene is next in the list at a Category Five with room for upgrade to Six. With that being said, let’s open Hell’s Kitchen (I mean the weather office) by reading on …

If you are in the Ventura/Santa Barbara areas you have had your warning issued by me for quite sometime now of a major flooding event that will hit you, stretching all the way into Kern and San Luis Obispo County as well.  This Flood Watch is also a warning for between 10-15 inches of rainfall for the southern slopes of the Santa Barbara and Ventura County zones, including all burn areas.  The reason for my higher levels is because of the higher tropical moisture content that tricks normal models and thus I tweaked it in mine to reflect such and those are the values that shows up.  A yellow color return on radar (like you see on radars on TV etc) will feel like a red return just because there will be so much water content in the air from the tropics.

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Burn areas in these zones will turn the hillsides into lahars, similar to when volcanoes melt snow on their slopes and it rushes down in a major debris flow, destroying a lot in their path.

The rain will start on Tuesday and go until Thursday.  Between then, various impulses will impact those areas and cause a major flooding episode.

Los Angeles to the Orange/Inland Empire areas… you are in the outskirts of this so while you will see the rainfall, you will not see the major flooding danger west of Los Angeles will.

This is the worst scenario to happen in that area in over 100 years given the burn scars involved.  You should have already prepared by now west of Los Angeles.

This however will not feel like a 100 year event unless you are in the Santa Barbara and Ventura County burn areas.  Don’t come to me with contact messages if you live anywhere else stating “you were wrong in my area” because I’m telling you now that unless you are in those zones where burn scars are along with this 10-15″ of rain I am forecasting then you will not be highly affected by this.

The area that will not see much is Imperial County, as further stated.

Very strong low level wind dynamics exist with the system along with the chance of thunderstorms.  Thunderstorm risks will be assessed as we get closer.

Snow levels will be above the resorts with this as it is tropical.

It will be windy everywhere with this system through the Tuesday-Thursday period.  Strong southerly winds will bring the risk of downed trees with areas of rain soaking into the ground.

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