Cold Weather Alert


Issued Zones:  San Luis Obispo / Santa Barbara County … Ventura Coast/Basin … Kern Valley … Los Angeles Basin and Valley … Extreme North and East Orange County … The Inland Empire … Diego Valley/Foothills … Imperial County … CO River Valley of RIV/SBD County … The High Desert

Site:  Southern California Weather Force has issued a Cold Weather Alert effective tonight through Monday morning …

Date:  2/10/19 at 4:50pm PT

Forecast:  A cold front is swinging through the area this evening and will move out by tonight.  The dry-air behind the front will bring a dramatic drop in temperatures across most of the forecast area, the exception being the LAX/Central LA Basin and Downtown San Diego Proper zones where temperatures should be near 40.. still cold.. not frost advisory criteria.

The following areas are in warnings/advisories here at SCWF;  Mountain areas are not in warnings because you know it is always a hard freeze there with these.

Freeze Warning – The High Desert

Frost Advisory – Kern Valley … The Inland Empire …  … San Gabriel Valley … Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo County Coast/Valley … CO River Valley … Parts of the Imperial Valley … North and East Orange County … San Diego Coast/Valley/Foothills, NOT including Downtown San Diego proper .. Ventura Coast/Basin … Imperial County …

The San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valley are under my Wind Chill Warning – Click Here To View That

PREMIUM MEMBERS – Click here to check out what is updated today in the SCWF member area …

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10 mile rule:  These alerts issued on this site means that within your zone and 10 miles from you will see the event forecast for.  You may or may not see the event but it means you are in the zone or 10 miles from where someone will.

Forecaster: KM

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