Major Pacific Storm ELVIS Drops Low Elevation Snowfall With Initial Cold Front; Forecast Through Friday


Ah yes, the good ole’ headlines coming in stating ‘surprise storm’ when in reality I had your Winter Weather Advisory in the High Desert for days now.  Hey did you forget the initial graphic back on November 24th showing the light blue color across the entire High Desert for days now?  Whats next?  Read on for details …

Major Pacific Storm ELVIS had no shortage of cold air with it as snow fell on the High Desert floor with the initial cold front, which matched the Southern California Weather Force Winter Weather Advisories well, stretching from VV to the AV and up through the Kern Deserts as well.  Thunderstorms were reported across the LA/OC/San Diego areas and we are not done yet as the cold core (yes colder air aloft) moves in through this afternoon,evening, and into the night through Friday for the metro areas.  The snow level will be below 3,000 FT with this so off and on snow-showers in lower foothill zones likely, including where we are seeing it now as forecast in the Beaumont/Banning/Yucaipa upper elevation areas.

The activity through Friday will not be as organized of a swath of precipitation as we are seeing this Thanksgiving so you’ll either get those hit and miss showers and thunderstorms.  Given the flow off the ocean, the best locations for this will be through LA/IE/OC and San Diego surrounding areas with nothing in the low or high deserts with the lack of deep-layer moisture.  Still expecting metro thunderstorm risks for at least the next 30 hours with everything waning on Friday night.  Anza I’m pinpointing you at 6-12″ of snowfall at that 4,000 FT mark with this training storm event so enjoy that.  Yucca grade, by the time this is over, you would see 4-6″ of snow on Highway 62 in spots.

There is some precipitation chances moving through areas north and west of LA County but I’ll take care of any wording over the micro-climate alert system.

Don’t put anything away just yet… my grids suggests that right on into the beginning of December we are doing to be hit with storms so stay tuned to Southern California Weather Force

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