Well as per my 2019-2020 forecast calling for colder than normal temperatures around this time (click to view), I am not fully satisfied with the last system, and December 2019 will be the coldest December in many years across the Southland that will satisfy those numbers so read on for details.
Major Pacific Storm ELVIS is on his way out of the building, ending November in an extremely interesting pattern. We went from Santa Ana Winds to a slight shove in the ridge to the west, sending the storm system down into our region. This was in the official SCWF November 2019 forecast for the chance the ridge would shift and it did. What about December?
December 2019 will start out in a storm pattern with a lack of any ridging. The storms won’t be as cold as Major Pacific Storm ELVIS to start, however the month as a whole looks to have periods of storms through it. The last half is where I am watching right now because before the month is over, the ridge would migrate once again to the west and send an arctic storm pattern into the Western United States. If Southern California is on the receiving end of this like with Major Pacific Storm Elvis then we will have an even COLDER storm system. December 2019 will end up being one of the coldest on record and it was directly in my 2019-2020 storm forecast. I mean hey I said up to 13″ of rain for Los Angeles and we are moving upwards now early in the season, however remember it can switch to a dry month between Jan/Feb just in the blink of an eye.
So if you like the cold weather on your Christmas season then enjoy the next month. The next systems in the line is Felix followed by Gavin. Southern California Weather Force will continue to provide you with the most accurate forecasts when these systems come.
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