DETAILS: Major Pacific Storm GAVIN Upgraded To Category FIVE; Complete Suite Of Alerts Active; Annual Christmas Eve Poem Forecast


Twas the night before Christmas when all through the land,
Major Pacific Storm Gavin forecasts the viewers demand.
For your weatherman has worked tirelessly this Christmas Eve Day,
Shoving over seven alerts out before Christmas Holiday.

Avalanche Watches away including Wrightwood and Big Bear,
Went into effect for Thursday and Friday beware.
Heavy snow in my forecast I am calling on Thursday in that zone,
Friday comes the Avalanche danger, careful or you’ll be buried alone.

Blizzard Warnings went out for the Kern County Mountain area,
Including Gorman Pass so do not join the hysteria.
Everything I am talking to you about is linked below,
So keep enjoying this annual poem so you know.

The system has an offshore flow that will cause the snow level to lower,
Into the High Desert as it gets ever so colder.
This is expected yet again on Thursday I say,
My Winter Storm alerts expiring by Friday.

Moving onto the metro areas of SoCal,
You’ve got my Squall-line Watch and here’s how.
The storm has a strong low level flow,
Coming in from the south to stir up a show.

For when Christmas night hits the region,
Pacific Storm Gavin will come a breath in.
Flooding rains, gusty winds, tornado risks, and all of the works,
So if you enjoy that weather and all of the perks.

But beware again I have said as Gavin has a nasty bite,
For trees and poles can topple down with all of his might.
Thursday evening will come the wind direction switch flow,
Santa Ana Advisories activated for the passes below.

But as for Santa’s flight across Socal,
Our weather will be fine as it will allow.
Nothing to stand in his way I’ll say,
Delivering all of your gifts fine by Christmas Day.

So from deserts, mountains, valleys, deserts to bight…
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night …

All alerts issued for this forecast thus far are below and each one has detailed maps for flood and snow risk …

Join Southern California Weather Force main Facebook Page for future updates!

Avalanche Watch 
Issued Zones:  Wrightwood areas … San Bernardino County Mountains …

Blizzard Warning
Issued Zones:  Kern County Mountains, including the Gorman Pass …

Winter Storm Warning
Issued Zones:  Riverside and San Diego County Mountains …

Winter Storm Watch 
Issued Zones:  All High Desert Metro / AV / Kern Deserts …

Squall-Line Watch
Issued Zones:  All metro areas south/west of the mountains except the Inland Empire …

Flood Watch
Issued Zones:  The Inland Empire …

Flood Advisory
Issued Zones:  Coachella Valley … Imperial Valley … San Diego Desert …

NOTE:  ALL Articles AND Videos posted on Southern California Weather Force main Facebook Page are charity events.  Anyone sharing will be entered into a list and one person will be randomly selected to get cash for causes.  This started on in October 2019 and SCWF has donated $1883.24 to date of this article and counting. … So share away.. the more shares on Facebook, the more help can be done for the community and it costs you nothing just like a lottery ticket.  October 2019’s winner was Jessica J Dominguez, and she has claimed the prize.  Are you next?  –  Check the latest amount to win by CLICKING HERE –  Remember… that number is going to climb before the contest closes!

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As always, stay tuned to official forecasts from Southern California Weather Force for updates …

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End Article


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