Issued Zones: Santa Barbara Coast… Ventura Coast/Basin … Los Angeles Basin from SCV/SFV and Downtown Los Angeles … San Gabriel Valley … Western Los Angeles Coast (Santa Monica) …
Site: Southern California Weather Force has issued a Tornado Watch effective Tuesday …
Date: 3/9/20 at 2:30pm PT
Forecast: The SCWF Tornado Dynamics Model is indicating a small section of tornado dynamics in Southern California with the arrival of the thunderstorm dynamics later Tuesday morning through the afternoon/evening hours. Storms coming in from the south after the swath of rainfall will have a dryslot following them. This will be enough to provide the focal point of convergence in the Tornado Watch area and thunderstorms will hit.
This area will have excessive lightning and hail with the strongest storms, as well as gusty winds. With the southeast flow at the surface accompanying the storms, low-level shear will be maximized and the risk of weak tornadoes will be likely.
Remember, as with many events forecast here at Southern California Weather Force, tornadoes seldom are reported unless someone is looking for them .. or there is damage. Remember the Ventura and Santa Barbara Tornado Watch I issued this season with one of the storm systems? No other source called for such and it did damage in the Ventura Harbor. That is the only way one would have known. Many tornadoes go without a report here, but given I have the radar technology to spot the tornado tracks, confirming them is easier and this will be so on your Tuesday in the Tornado Watch area.
In addition to the watch, flood risk is elevated for heavy downpours in a short period of time … Here is the SCWF Tornado Dynamics Model For Tuesday, outlining the areas for this chance, the best chance from Santa Barbara to around Santa Monica or so.
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Forecaster: KM