Numerous Showers and Thunderstorm Expected Across Southern California This Week as Upper Low Enters Raiden Storm Diamond


Southern California Weather Force has issued a Special Weather Statement out ahead of a cutoff low that will enter the Raiden Storm Diamond, which is an area that prompts numerous showers and thunderstorms to the forecast areas metro, mountain, coast, and High Desert zones.  If you remember my October 2022 forecast (link below), you would have noted I said second/third week of this month will be when we get hit with storm activity and so it will happen as predicted so read on for details on this and what the Raiden Storm Diamond is.

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The Raiden Storm Diamond has been changed from Martin Storm Diamond.  Raiden Storm is my name and so it is, the name will change with it.  The Raiden Storm Diamond is a diamond shaped area southwest of Southern California that I have discovered over the years.  When an upper-level low crosses this area, numerous showers and thunderstorms happen across our region.  Such an upper-level low will begin to enter it on Monday, maximizing on Tuesday into Wednesday, and staying with us all week.

This is a cutoff low so be patient with me each day, but for now this is what I have.

Today was considered a very weak day, the weakest day of the week coming up.  We are still in the grips of the other cutoff now departing Arizona.

On Monday, the south to north flow will return for numerous mountain/desert thunderstorms, similar to the monsoon.  Furthermore, the convective temperature will be below the actual temperature across the Elsinore Convergence Zone around the Murrieta (Hot springs) forecast zones.  This means that storms will pop there without the need of outflow boundaries.

On Tuesday, the upper-level low finally enters the center of the Raiden Storm Diamond.  This will provide an east to west flow across the region, sending storms off the San Diego/Riverside mountains into parts of the Inland Empire while storms form and continue to move through the San Bernardino, Los Angeles Mountains and High Desert as well.  This flow does favor them to come off into the valley.  This will be a tricky forecast day, but this far out I cannot give details, only know that it is in my forecast.

By Tuesday night, mainly early Wednesday morning, the upper-level low finally starts to gain strength, and in doing so it will bring the flow across the metros and this is when we will see through Wednesday the upper lift that these provide within the Raiden Storm Diamond to send storms as far as Vandenberg Air Force Base so for now, this week, each day will get stronger than the previous and in doing so the entire area in the graphic above needs to remain to the Southern California Weather Force forecasts as I roll them out when I crunch more numbers.  I also recommend all crafts on the ocean to remain to the forecasts as this will affect you at one point with the lightning.

LONG RANGE:  As this will meander through the entire week, we will eventually kick it east.  For the time being, I do not see strong Santa Ana Wind events in the long range, but the door remains open for more storms to come in before Halloween and November is looking very good for storms as well as we move toward an above average Fall Season for precipitation.  My Winter forecast (December through March) will be out sometime near the 25th or 29th of this month and further calculations will be needed over the next couple of weeks to solidify that forecast.

So that is it, please be patient with me, but remember this is part of the Raiden Storm Pattern from the forecast issued back on the 2nd, so this has been no surprise thus far in how it is shaping up for some of you.

This forecast is a direct follow up to the October 2022 forecast article below – 
Issued October 2nd, 2022 – October 2022 Forecast For The Southwestern United States; Not Your Typical Month

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