Former Tropical Storm Eugene Will Affect the Southern California Weather Pattern This Week


A former tropical storm south of here by the name of Eugene will start affecting the Southern California Weather pattern this evening, peaking Wednesday into Friday.

This system is in a pattern where the Eastern Pacific tropical activity is being affected by upper-level low pressure systems off the California coast.  These turn the storms from west to north and head directly into the Desert Southwest.   Upper dynamics suggests the areas around Oceanside will see the first of the tropical type clouds and/or activity from them by around 4pm today (Tuesday).  This is the outer band dynamic that will sweep the area briefly.   This same band will sweep across Imperial as well.

This is a complex system, but the bulk of it will hit on Thursday, mainly across Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Kern County as the main central core of former tropical storm Eugene moves in.  This also will directly affect the Las Vegas zones between the period stated above.

Regardless, all areas should expect a change in the weather, whether you get rain, a thunderstorm, tropical looking clouds, muggy conditions, and even much cooler temperatures for this time of year, where Thursday all the metros will be in the 70s.  This will move out after Friday and temperatures will be on the rebound to summer, once again.

Long range does suggest we remain in a pattern of developing hurricanes south of here that can have the potential to curve up and affect our weather again after the 20th of this month.

Master General Meteorologist – Raiden Storm

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