Warm Pacific Waters Sustain the Chance of Hurricane Activity Making It to Southern California Within The Week


The Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season is continuing to get stronger and one such hurricane may very well be the candidate for making it all the way up to Southern California by August 20th.

Greg may develop first, with this stronger hurricane assigning the name Hilary, the next on the list.  What will be either Hurricane Greg or Hilary will be the front runner name in what will be a history maker across most of Southern California.

Southern California Weather Force Long Range Risk Assessment Models continue to show higher than normal risk levels during the week of August 20th, which clearly is indicating this strong hurricane will be the cause of it, whether it is Greg or Hilary.  My bet is that Hilary would be it simply because Greg may form between Mexico and Hawaii in the next 24-36 hours.

Current water temperatures as indicated by the reds, oranges, and yellows on the article image map shows way above normal temperatures off the coast of Western Mexico, running right on up west of Baja, California and off the Southern California coast.  This track would be the one to provide this rain and storm event.

Such an event would have damaging consequences with flooding and lost roads from erosion, especially in the San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial, and Los Angeles Mountain and Desert regions, and some inland empire zones as well.

Southern California Weather Force will continue to monitor this long-range event, but as far as I can see, this far out it has a 75% chance of hitting, which is high for seven days out on my risk model.  The model is indicating the retrograding low over us now will be the cause to bring the north out of the tropics.

Master General Meteorologist – Raiden Storm

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