Fast Moving Storm System To Move Through Southern California Later Tonight into Saturday; Final Forecast


Southern California Weather Force has issued a Flood Watch effective for San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Western Ventura Counties, which will also include the Kern Valley zones effective overnight tonight and through mostly Saturday morning.  This will be the only place I’ll do a full flood watch due to how the fast moving system is coming in so read on for details …

This system is still off the Vandenberg and San Luis Obispo Coast and will impact those areas later tonight, around or just after the 10pm hour as a squall-line with some wind and heavy rainfall, which will continue to spread east into Kern and Ventura as midnight hits.  Due to strong lifting associated with the system, these areas will have heavy rainfall, which is clearly marked on the map.  These numbers will in no way be like the previous system, but never-the-less you will see the heaviest rainfall out of the Southern California Weather Force jurisdiction areas.

This will progress eastward through the Los Angeles, Orange, Inland Empire, zones through Saturday morning with moderate rain at times.  The tail-end section of this system will be a fast moving bout of light rain for San Diego, and clearly from the Southern California Weather Force rain forecast model, that area will be the weakest of the metros.  You can also note that the rainfall maps cutoff the low deserts from the rain.  This is due to the lack of depth in the moisture column, which will preclude the clouds making it over there, so you from the Riverside and Imperial Desert zones will not see this system.   You will contend with just a bit of wind on Saturday.

LONG RANGE:  Two systems are set to move over the region for the first week of January, with another one, possibly stronger for the beginning of the second week.

Use the images below for your rainfall forecast for this current system.

Master General Meteorologist – Raiden Storm

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