June 2024 Forecast for Southern California; Seesaw Pattern Continues


May 2024 has been colder than average, with the ‘May Gray’ finally returning to the forecast area’s metro zones, which is the key to keeping the temperatures at bay.

June 2024 looks to have what we call June Gloom.  June will be colder than average for the first 20 days as cutoff lows develop and park to the southwest of the area, especially the first couple of weeks into the month.

These cutoff lows will vacate after June 20th, which will be replaced by a strong ridge of high pressure capable of our first heatwave as we cross into Summer.

All and all, enjoy the cooler weather while it lasts, Summer should announce itself on time.

– Raiden Storm –

Master General Meteorologist – is a consulting meteorologist for over 50 companies, including energy, agriculture, aviation, marine, leisure, and many more areas. He has certs from Mississippi State for broadcast met and Penn State forecasting certs MET 101, 241, 341 and 361 as a meteorologist, but before then was completely self-taught, barely learning a thing from the schools that he did not already know.

Both short and long-range is very important to know in those jobs so you can bet on accuracy here. He is versed in fields like Western USA, Tornadoes, Floods, Hurricanes, High Winds, Fire Behavior, Snow and Blizzards, Short RangeLong Range, Seasonal, and Life-Threatening decisions with over 25 years’ experience, out forecasting all weather services available today with lead-time and precision, which makes him a focus of ridicule and envy.

NOTE: Alerts are posted on here, be it a tornado watch, etc, and these alerts are issued from this office and nowhere else. At times, which is often, you will see an alert forecast posted on here that you do not see elsewhere.

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