If you received this, you received this because of a Facebook comment.
RULES – If anyone’s comments vanish it is an auto-block set on this page.
It blocks government weather names etc. I don’t care about them. No offense to you personally. I can handle it. The project only exists to get away from hearing about “Them”. If you post their name, it is removed. This isn’t the right page for you if you mention “them” or the talking heads on TV.
If I say rain and you say “but it says sunny on my other weather source … then go with them or stick around and learn that this is more accurate in the region. This project would not be around if I thought we had an accurate forecast elsewhere in the region. SoCal deserves better than what they have.
I’m fully capable of handing the forecasting without backseat forecasters nor do I need to hear about what other non-reputable sources say.
Again, nothing personal by your receiving this. Just, I did not create this project to talk about what ‘others’ are copying and/or forecasting. I welcome you to continue to comment on the Facebook page and view the project, but refrain from mentioning other sources in the future. This goes anywhere, including my personal profile if on my friend list.
ALSO: I do not talk about models etc. Long range discussion can be done via contact form or PM. I only talk about what my products show as to keep confusion down. The page is not for model discussion on other projects or other forecasts. It is a hub to push the SCWC products out and nothing more and nothing less.